mercoledì 14 ottobre 2009

CNGEI Scouts rescue books

Ancora l'amico Gino Lucrezi ci informa che sul numero di agosto di Euro.Scout.Info è uscito un articolo sul recupero dei libri della bibliotecca della Facoltà di Lettere a Palazzo Camponeschi, che gli scout del Gei, con ragazzi di altre Associazioni ed i Vigili del Fuoco operarono nel mese di giugno 2009.

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che, comunque, riportiamo integralmente
CNGEI Scouts, coordinated by the L'Aquila Group and university students coordinated by Legambiente were involved in the recovery of the books in the University of L'Aquila Faculty of Arts Library. The Library was housed in Palazzo Camponeschi, one of the historic buildings in the heart of L'Aquila, which was severely damaged in the earthquake of 6 April 2009. Two teams of young volunteers worked under the direction of the Librarian, Dr. Maria Elisa Equizi. The safety of the whole group was guaranteed by a team of Firemen from Bergamo who, as always, gave unstinting and valuable help in the delicate and dangerous work of recovery.
The primary task of the mission was to recover books for immediate use by university students. Thanks to the commitment and efficiency of the volunteers, more than five thousand volumes have been saved, including books on the Abruzzo and some important collections of classical authors. The Library of Palazzo Camponeschi holds 120,000 volumes. The work of recovery will continue in the weeks to come.

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